Setup & Configuration

What you'll need to get started making API requests


Here’s a quick guide on getting your Freeplay subdomain, Project ID, and API key.

Freeplay Subdomain

The Freeplay subdomain is a unique identifier that links your SDK to your Freeplay instance. Here’s how to find and use it:

  • Your subdomain is part of your Freeplay URL. For example, if your Freeplay URL is, then your subdomain is acmecorp.
  • Ensure you input this subdomain correctly in your SDK configuration. It’s crucial for directing your SDK's requests to the right instance.

Freeplay Project ID

Each project in Freeplay has a unique Project ID. Here’s how to locate and use yours:

  • Currently, you can find your Project ID in the URL when you’re navigating your project in Freeplay. (Note: A more direct UI option is in the works!)
  • For example, if you see something like ac7329c5-f142-4e5e-bde7-57b692fd17fc in your project’s URL, that’s your Project ID.
  • Copy this ID into your SDK setup to ensure it interacts with the correct project.

Freeplay Project ID

Freeplay API Key

The API key is your secret pass to interact with Freeplay programmatically. Here’s how to obtain it:

  • Navigate to "Settings" > "API Access" in your Freeplay dashboard.
  • Your API key will be partially masked for security. Click on the copy button to copy the entire API key to your clipboard.
  • Paste this API key into your SDK configuration. It's essential for authenticating your requests.

Freeplay API Key

By correctly setting up your subdomain, Project ID, and API key, you ensure a seamless and secure connection between your applications and the Freeplay platform. Make sure to keep your API key confidential and rotate it periodically for enhanced security.

What’s Next

Now that we have the basics, let's move onto the Quick Start guide.